More Details of the Second Generation Moto 360

More Details of the Second Generation Moto 360

Last year was certainly one of the years in which Google seeks new platforms for their services. We have seen over the past Google I / O 2014, Android operating system came to televisions, cars and even wearable devices. Since then, Android Wear platform seems to be more interest has caused and where Google is putting all eggs in one basket to have a serious and reliable operating system to its jurisdiction.

Android has gone from an operating system for mobile devices to an operating system with more unification among all portable devices. Android Wear, the Mountain View want to do the same strategy with Android on smartphones and already seen as manufacturers like Samsung, LG and Motorola have made their first smart watches.

Just watch Motorola, the Moto 360, he became the most desired by the consumer smart watch and all thanks to a design that love at all. There is no doubt that the Americans SmartWatch quickly became a big hit among Android users, becoming the smart watch for excellence and taking the first step towards smart watches round.

The first device and just a year ago and now the public expects the second generation. Next Moto 360 hardly know information, we know that lies under the codename “Smelt” and saw what could be the first leaked wearable thanks to Lenovo CEO image. Now comes information via the website for certification and qualification of Bluetooth devices.

In the leaked documents, we see a Motorola Android device running version 4.1 Bluetooth and appears under the model number BTMW03. Interestingly the model number is familiar, since the current smart clock has the model number BTMW01, which makes us think that the device hidden in the documents is the Moto 360 2014, although we can not confirm with certainty that’s true.

As we read on BGR: Last year’s Moto 360 was definitely a standout Android Wear watch, although so far Android Wear sales have been easily dwarfed by sales of the first-generation Apple Watch. Common complaints about the Moto 360 included poor battery life, a surprisingly thick frame and the fact that the watch’s display has an empty black space at the bottom.

We look forward to the next moves of Motorola and its smart watch to see if leaks something about it on their specifications as well as its final appearance. We’ll see if during the celebration of Google I / O 2015 we see something about this device that should reach the market from autumn. And you, what do you expect from this second generation of Moto 360?

Via bgr
