How to Use The Touch Screen & Navigating Menu on Samsung Gear S2

Welcome to the step-by-step video in which we will show you how to use the touchscreen and navigation on the Gear S 2. Please note, your gear S 2 needs to be connected to your Samsung device compatible with Gear S 2.

Samsung Gear S 2 has two button, the lower button is the home key and the upper button is the back key. To turn the device on or off press and hold the home key, to return to the previous screen press the back key. On the home screen press the home key to open apps. To open an application, tap on an icon in the app screen.

To close an application go to recent apps, rotate the bezel to highlight the app you want to close then tap the X icon. To close all running apps tap close all. Note, when viewing other screens dragging downwards from the top of the screen will return to the previous page.

When you press the home key in any other screen you return to the home screen. If you press and hold the
power home key you can turn the device on or off to access power-saving mode. If you press and hold power home key for at least 7 seconds it will restart the Gear. When the watch screen is displayed drag downwards from the top of the screen and the status panel will be opened. This panel allows you to view the current status and configure basic settings. Indicator icons to display connection status and battery power level.

Music player to play music, do not disturb mode to set the Gear S 2 mute all notifications except for alarm. Brightness to adjust the brightness level. To change the current watch face style tap and hold the watch Screen then rotate the bezel clockwise to select a watch face. You can also customize the watch by typing style lines and then rotate the bezel to see further options.

To access the widgets of Gear S2 start by rotating the bezel clockwise when the devices on the home screen. First you see the quick access panel, to edit quick access panel tap and hold anywhere on the screen. Tap edit and Tap (-) minus icon to delete a shortcut. Tap the (+) plus icon to add a shortcut. You can create up to four shortcuts to your most frequently used apps.

If you rotate clockwise from the quick access panel you see the default installed widgets. Step tracker, schedule, whether, music player, and 24-hour activity log for your health. If you want to add widget on the Gear S2 keep rotating clockwise until you see the plus (+) icon, tap on the widget you want to select, rotate the bezel clockwise or counter clockwise to the Widgets available and then tap the widget you want to add. To delete the widget, tap and hold the widget and tap Delete icon.

Follow these tips carefully to prevent damage to the device and to maintain the water and dust resistant performance of the device :

– Whenever possible keep your device dry and avoid immersion in water.Gently wipe dry after exposure to liquid.
– Avoid exposing your device to water at high pressure or in situations where there is fast running water for example in the sea, under a shower. Do not use the screen protector this causes sensor malfunctions.

That’s it you’ve just learned how to navigate around your Gear S2 device.


See All Tips on Samsung Gear S 2 :

How to Save The Battery Power on Your Samsung Gear S 2

How to Use The Call and Message Features on The Samsung Gear S2

How to Send Media Files Between Mobile Device and Samsung Gear S2

How to connect Samsung Gear S2 to Your Smartphone


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