iPhone 6S Taptic Engine: New Interactivity Between Users with Their iPhone !

iPhone 6S Taptic Engine : New Interactivity Between Users with Their iPhone !

Now we will talk about iPhone 6S Taptic Engine. The Apple’s Taptic Engine is like an unsung hero of new iPhone 6S. It is nonetheless likely to be a feature that you will grow to love just as much over the time. The new Taptic Engine that equipped on the iPhone 6S is much more sophisticated than any vibrating motor that Apple has used. This is an integral component of the 3D Touch features to experience. The new Taptic Engine is a great feature that provides a much more refined and capable vibration effect on the iPhones 6S. How about the android smartphones?

Are an Android smartphone have this ability? No, The Android smartphones have long used haptic feedback inside. The haptic feedback on Android devices most effectively on the touch screen of keyboard software. This implementation of the Haptic is to provide the users to feel of a physical keyboard. Well, Some people like this ability, but the others don’t like it. Let say thanks because we can switch it off if we won’t use this feature on an Android device.

Okay, let’s go back to the iPhone 6S Taptic Engine. The iPhone 6S Taptic Engine uses an advanced linear actuator that is much more refined in both design and performance. The Taptic Engine technology works in a very similar way to how it works on an Apple Watch. This like an open up way to the new world of interactivity between the users with their iPhone that wasn’t possible in the past.

When you set your iPhone 6S to mute mode, you will be able to easily make a difference between receiving a message vs receiving new email. Why? The are differents type of vibration assigned to the notification according to the ability of the taptic technology. Yes, Apple has allowed the users of iPhone 6S to assign a custom vibrations to different contacts before. By the Taptic Engine in the iPhone 6S, this becomes, even more interested.

You can try this out by this way. First you need to go to contacts => then, select contact => choose, edit => vibration => scroll => finally, create new vibration.

We can expect that the Taptic Engine in the iPhone 6S will also change the way everyone to use the iPhone. For the App developers, it opens up the iPhone 6S to become even more interactive. The 3D Touch technology on the iPhone 6S may be a marquee feature, but the Taptic Engine is not too bad to be combined with the iPhone 6S. That is all about the iPhone 6S Taptic Engine, thank you for your attention.

Image via youtube user

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