Nexus 6P Photos: Lets Talk About The Picture Quality

Nexus 6P Photos: Lets Talk About The Picture Quality

After we talked about the Nexus 6P hand on review, then we may need to talk about Nexus 6P photos. We have already talked Nexus 6P photo sample by a professional photographer, Romain Guy. Again, we may need to discuss this topic. Well, let’s star to talk the Nexus 6P photos. Romain Guy has shared a photo collection that taken by a Nexus 6P on Full Auto mode (with no post about processing tricks). However, some users claim that all photos were shot in dark settings to show off the low-light capabilities of the Nexus 6P. The picture quality is very good based on the pictures that shared by Romain Guy. What do you think about these photos? Okay, first let’s talk the quality picture based on the specs camera.
Here the photos from Romain Guy:

The picture quality
According to the picture from Romain Guy, the picture colors quality do appear a bit saturated. There is also some noise in each of these photos, which the source claims was due to the brightening of the photos with the default camera App. There is an opinion that says these pictures must have been even darker in their original takes. I think that is normal, even the Nexus camera has f=2, it still not enough to get a photo without noises in the dark condition.

I have tried to take a photo with f=1.8 on my EOS 550 D, then I still got some noise on the picture. We knew that the camera will take a high ISO setting to get a brighter picture, and that is why there is noise at the picture. However, as we can see the picture from Romain Guy, all of these still has a good quality from a smartphone camera. The Nexus has 12.3-mega pixel sensor inside the camera, there is also a new feature that allow the users use HDR+ mode for who do not like to make a manual setting to taking a picture by using Nexus 6P.

Everyone has their own way of think to make an opinion. I do not mind if you have a different opinion, but on my mind, that is all photos still has good quality. There are many possibilities to get a negative opinion, and also the positive opinion. All of these is good, just stand on your way of thinking, then make your own opinion about these case. I think, that is all about the Nexus 6P photos.

Please, let us know your opinion from the comment. Thank you.

Image via techradar and googlephotos

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