Nexus 5X Yellow Screen Issue: All Information You Should Know

Nexus 5X

Nexus 5X Yellow Screen Issue: You Should Contact the Google Customer Care

Today, the Nexus 5X get much attention. There is some report about the yellow screen issue on the phone. So, we may need to talk about the Nexus 5X yellow screen issue. The users have reported that the screen of their device turns quite yellowish on the Reddit forum. The Nexus users may not surprised about this issue, because the previous Nexus iterations, the Nexus 4 and the Nexus 5 had the same problem at the yellow screen issue. Although the phone maker tries to make the better quality product, but this gonna be a complicated because this is a difficult work to do.

However, we can’t run from some errors, and we will always learn to get a better result from the errors. Well, that is the one of many points from the human intelligence, we always learn from the previous faults. Okay, let’s go talk the Nexus 5X yellow screen issue.

You could see other reports about the Nexus 5X yellow screen issue. But, there is a note from a Redditor, “I just got my Nexus 5X as well and the screen is very yellow. Also, I notice that it seems noticeably slower than the Nexus 5 in a lot of things, such as loading web pages, starting apps. Well, basically everything I tried is a good second or so faster on the Nexus 5.” This is only one of many reports about the yellow screen issue. The users of Nexus 5X that experienced this issue on their Nexus 5X tried to get information about the best way to fix this problem. But, you may can’t find a great way to fix the yellow screen issue.

However, there is no information about how many units that are affected by the yellow screen issue. Even the users have posted photos that compared the screen of Nexus 5X, 5 and 4. There is no official acknowledgement (so far), either from the Google or the LG as the manufacturer. Some of those that experienced the yellow screen problem, have been sent the Nexus 5X to get a replacement handset.

If you are owners of Nexus 5X that has a yellow screen problem, absolutely you need immediate to contact the Google customer service. But, the users are advised to consider waiting for a few days to check, if the yellow screen issue still persists. It took about a week for the yellow screen to disappear from the Nexus 5X.

The Nexus 5 also get this problem, the colour on the Nexus 5 seemed to have fixed itself within a few days. This is the reason, why the users advised waiting a few days in order to observe the problem. The OnePlus One get similar problem last year, and its manufacturer said the issue was related to the screen’s temperature. So far, there is no information about the things that caused the yellow screen problem.

Well, if you had the yellow screen problem on the Nexus 5X, it could be better for you to wait a few days. Then, if there is no a good progress in few days, you should contact the Google customer care to get fix the problem or get a replacement device. That is all about the Nexus 5X yellow screen issue. Please do not be panic if you get this problem, you need to relax and calm down, then wait for a few days. Have you ever get this problem on your Nexus 5X? You can tell us your experiences via the comment. Thank you.

See All Information about Nexus 5X You Should Know :

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