Nexus 5X Problems and Issues: 4 Common Problems and The Solutions

Nexus 5X

Nexus 5X Problems and Issues: 4 Common Problems and The Solutions

Well, as the one of the new android flagship, the Nexus 5X very interesting to discussed. There are small issues with any major smartphone launch. Now, we want to talk about the Nexus 5X problems and issues. We will discuss some common problems and issues. At least, we will focus on 4 issues. First, the Nexus 5X yellow screen problem, Nexus 5X lag stutters and performance problems, Nexus 5X camera problems: images are upside down, and the last is the Nexus 5X battery problems. Okay, let’s talk our topic today. We have already talked the yellow screen at previous article, but now we are going to talk this topic, again. Then, we continue with the others issue. Here we go!

The Nexus 5X Yellow Screen Problem

There are some reports that say the Nexus 5X screen has a yellow tint (the yellow screen problem). The LCD panels from Sony Xperia devices tend to favor cooler blues or purples while the AMOLED screens on Samsung typically warm. If you get a yellow hue, or something is not right on your 5X, you can not do anything to correct the problem yourself. As the suggestion, you may wish to contact the Google customer care to return your Nexus 5X, then ask for a new one.

Please remember, the device will always have a color bias. How much of a bias? This is may vary from a device with the others. If you won’t hurry in order to solve the problem, you can wait a few days to see the problem result on your Nexus 5X. If you get nothing, then you should contact the Google customer care to help you fix this, or to get the new device. Have you ever tried to fix the problem yourself? So far, that is the best way that we can do for the yellow screen problem.

The Nexus 5X lag, Stutters and Performance Problems

If you have experienced any performance problems on the device, this strongly related to the initial software bugs with Android Marshmallow (6.0).

How to fix the problem? The simple way to fix the performance problems is by restarting the device, then you can see the result. If you don’t get anything, please make sure that you have the latest software version. So, you can keep following the Google Factory Images page to see the software update news. If you get no progress after your Nexus 5X get the latest update, its may cause your phone get a hardware problem. As a general user, we can’t do anything to fix the hardware problem. The best way, you can try to contact the Google customer care to get help, or you can contact someone (advanced technicians) that you have believed can help you.

The Nexus 5X Camera Problems: images are upside down

Have you ever heard some report about the Nexus 5X pictures are upside down when the pictures taken by the third party apps? There must be a “miss” or “wrong” communication between the Nexus 5X’s camera sensor orientation and the 3rd party camera app (or developer use old camera API). You can get more detail explanation from a member of the Google team for this case.

How to fix it? You can contact the app (camera) developer in order to report the problem. Another solution is, you can use a different camera app. After all, if you don’t want to contact the app developer or make the others app, you can rectify this problem by rotating the images after they are taken. But, you might better try to contact the app developer to report the problem.

The Nexus 5X Battery Problems

If you find a problem with the Nexus 5X battery life, like the battery power fastly lost. You may need to carry out a few optimizations.

How to save battery life? The Nexus 5X comes with a 2700mAh (non-removable) battery. That’s not bad, but the battery problem has many possibility reason, like hardware (the charger or battery condition), the environment (eg: temperature, or signal quality), and the OS and apps also relate to this problem. There are many tips and tricks about how to optimize the battery, or how to fix the battery problem that you can read. This article may help you.


Well, that is all about the Nexus 5X Problems and Issues. Please do not be panic if you get a problem with the device. We have put the suggestion for you about the Yellow Screen Problem, the lag, Stutters and Performance Problems, the Camera Problems and the Battery Problems. Have you ever experiences a problem on your Nexus 5X? Please tell us via the comment. Thank you.

See All Information about Nexus 5X You Should Know :

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