Onmyoji Arena Tips and Tricks – Guide How to Play as Hangan, The Mage Sniper!

Onmyoji Arena Tips and Tricks – Guide How to Play as Hangan, The Mage Sniper!

Based on the review of Onmyoji Arena. Today, we are going to give you a review about a character on the game called Hangan.

Hangan is a Mage type Shikigami with a long range ability or skill. In short, he is a Sniper. He is very versatile with all of his skill sets. He has a slow skill, a long stun skill and lastly passive skill that can definitely safe your allies if you used right.

Hangan is one of a kind burst damage support Mage. The downside is only that all of his skills are a shots skill, making it is very easy to dodge. But if hit, it will do a massive damage. He is not suited for beginner because of his high difficulty in landing his skill. The first time i use him, i got beaten up really badly. I wasn’t helping the team at all, and only dying. Which is why i recommend you to train him first to learn his skill shot.

His skill sets are:

Game Preparation


For item set, the suggested item is already enough, but maybe you want to change the last item for

1. Mandala Sutra (Main Item)
Main item for Hangan, mainly because of its cool down reduction and MP Regeneration.
This item will makes Hangan skill spam able.
2. Demonic Boots (Main Movement speed item)
Well, this item is mainly for roaming around and running around
but well, the added Magic penetration will add more damage to Hangan skill.
3. Izanami Scepter (Main burst damage item)
As i said, Hangan depend on skills to kill the enemies.
With izanami scepter, he will be able to deal more burst damage.
Killing all enemies shikigami in a matter of time easily.
4. Tale of Izumo (Added Burst damage item)
With izanami scepter, this item will deal further damage to any paper thin shinigami.
With it, you will certainly be able to kill any assassins, mage, and marksman in a combo.
Of course, it will all depends if you can hit the enemies with your second skill.

For the 5th item and 6th item i recommend you to use Magic Penetration item called Eight Trigrams, and the 6th item Sylph’s Harp. Eight trigrams so that he can deal more damage to the tank, and Sylph’s harp passives that can gives some shield so that he can survive more battle.


For Hangan Onmyodo, movement speed is useful to position your self in the game, and running away while roaming around. Magic Penetration for harder hit. Cooldown reduction for spam able skill. Mortality for increase damage, Feather sigil for late game damage and lastly the Purgatory is for poking the enemies while using your skill. It is also useful in the late game to kill tanks.

Skill Combination

Because Hangan is a mage type shikigami i recommend you to take:
Second skill stun, First Skill Passives, and Third skill Slow. After that max out your First skill Passives first, Second skill next and third skill last. Take ultimate whenever you can.

Hangan is a sniper, which is why you don’t need to go into the battle to deal damage. Just focus on stunning the enemies with your long range second skill and try to land a hit whenever you can. Area slow third skill is also useful for doing an area poke damage.

Here is the reason as to why i focus on taking the first skill passives. It is because a max skill passives will gives you additional 120 Abilities power which is pretty similar to a 2500 worth items, and it won’t even take an item slots. Additionally it will also boost up all of your skill at once. So by leveling up this passive’s skill you will be able to deal even more damage with your skill.

Hangan is a very hard to use, but if you can land his second skill stun. Then you will be able to do a massive damage to any enemies. Focus on targeting your enemies with your first skill, hit anything even a minion / creeps because your first skill will deal more damage to the enemies behind the creeps. After that combo it with your second skill, and do that again and again until you are certain that you can kill it with your ultimate. Don’t panic especially in a team fight. I know i have and it didn’t do me well.

He is best suited in a bot lane because of his passives. His passives will give him additional life to his nearby allies, if they are dead. Meaning that they will get resurrected to their 5/10% health once, throughout the game. So it is your chance to help your allies by stunning them and killing them with your combo. (See the video above around 2 minutes – 4 minutes)

His skills combo is the second skill stun > Third skill slow > Attack attack > stun again > Slow again > (HP Below 30%) Ultimate.

Never go into a battle in the front, Poke your enemies with all of your skill, even by using your ultimate, because your ultimate has a low cooldown. Which makes it spam able every half minutes. Annoy your enemies with your stun and massive damage so that they will go back again and again halting their growth.

So there you have it. The guide for Hangan. I hope that you guys will be fine with it and hopefully it had answer some of your question regarding the shikigami.

For other heroes guide you can click “Onmyoji Arena Tips and Tricks: Guide for Most Heroes!”

If you had anymore question and if you want to let us know who else do you want us to make a guide for then i recommend you to comment in the link below. Thank you…

Jay: A Content Creator for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com

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