Simple Tips on How to Boost Sony Smartwatch 2

For the times being, people feel so stylish to put Smartwatch 2 on their hand. It is not only usual watch to the time, but it is also about fashion. However, do you really understand what this Smartwatch for? Have you got the idea how to boost your Smartwatch? If you only know that its function is for knowing the time, playing a game or for running, it is ashamed. You have to know as well how to make this device work as smart as the name. In this case, you have to boost the performance of Smartwatch till in high level.

Image via sonymobile


First of all, you should avoid too much data on this device. Usually, users don’t quite understand how the battery drain unnecessarily fast because of their habit in sending too many screen images per second. Besides, it also makes the queue of data growing. You should understand that it is not like a computer that is featured in very high processor so you have to treat this device as appropriate as possible. Collecting and sending too much data such be avoided.

In addition, you also need to set your Smartwatch resolution at 220 x 176. Actually, this tip is very helpful if you have the Smartwatch 2. It is due to the fact that the entire screen is available to the extension using the Control API.

For this time, there are a lot of most recommended applications that can be installed into your Smartwatch like AutoPhoneLock, Remote Widget, AccuWeathre, and you can name some others. Nevertheless, those applications will be useless if you rarely use them. Besides, those applications will reduce the performance of the device’s processor. Therefore, it would be much wiser if you select the most useful apps for you. It becomes the ultimate tips on how to boost Smartwatch 2.





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