The Moto 360 In Metal Version Arrives in Spain

Aesthetics and design an accessory that we in the day is essential obviously not going to use something that seems ugly or calling attention, therefore, the success of wearables reside in part to the way that blend traditional than other supplements, which are often called as invisible technology. Three new designs that you can see in the pictures of this article and which will supplement the family of Motorola. It will also be a good opportunity for all those who still love the Moto 360 had not yet opted for acquiring not convince too leather design.

Source via Google Image

There is no exact date for the disposal of these devices, but maybe you read this already available in some online stores such as Amazon.

How about the new metal designs Moto 360?

With the arrival of the smartwatches with Android Wear, appeared one that, to date remains one of the most beautiful, the Motorola Moto 360. From the first moment, we saw it called our attention and part of blame has its circular screen (well no, it lacks a bit at the bottom).

Therefore, with leather strap and design of traditional “clock” that is liked by both users, the Moto 360 is now ready to receive new finishes. We talked about these steel smartwatches few months ago, but now when we report that in just one month, at the end of February, come to Spain three new watch designs for your Android Wear, all with metallic finishes it make it even more stylish.

Smarter, so is the Motorola Moto 360 cash

Specifically, the Motorola Moto 360 cash will in Spain one Light Gold version with 18mm strap and two Light and Dark Black Metal with 23mm straps. All models regardless of color are made of stainless steel with a triple bond design and, of course, the color of the box surrounding the screen will have the same tone.

Available end of February 279 €

The price also varies with respect to the original editions (€ 249.99), the new Moto 360 Light Gold, Light Metal and Dark Metal will have a price of 279 €. We will also see if they seize the launch of these designs also open sale through Google Play, since the product page there for a few months but still displays the message “coming soon”. What do you think these new designs Moto 360 cash? Undoubtedly be great personalized new watch faces that can be found in Google Play or those who make the community and that can be applied to your Moto 360.

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