How to Store and Play Music on Android Wear

Last week Google officially made an update to Android Wear,  4.4W.2, a days earlier version that had begun to reach some watches. The list of innovations had two major players: compatibility with GPS sensor smartwatches they had built (currently only Sony SmartWatch 3) and the ability to download music to watch and listen to speakers or headphones Bluetooth without the smartphone close.

These two options open many possibilities to use the watch for sport, and we could leave the phone at home and have music and recording statistics in one on our wrist. In the case of music, the process to follow is done through Google Play Music. We will explain what it is and how to get to have some of our favorite albums and songs in Android Wear a watch.

The process is not complicated, but there are two requirements that must be:

  • Having a watch with Android Wear updated to version 4.4.W.2.
  • Having the latest version of Google Play Music app.

We just go from your smartphone or tablet to the app to Google Play Music and select the music you want to download from the menu, as we have always done, and also in the configuration of the app you must check the “Download Android Wear”.

From that moment, begin downloading music on both devices, both the smartphone and watch, but yes, we have no option to control what we just watch. This is by far, the main drawback, because remember that all Android Wear to date with 4GB of internal storage (no possibility to expand), so it is easy to fill if we do not control how many songs to download.

Recommended would, for example, create a playlist for exercise and download only that. The transfer time depends; of course, on how much music you have selected offline.

When the download is complete, we can start to play music on Android Wear. Tap the screen and watch action list at the end “Start” see “Play Music”. If you have music lyrics appear, but will otherwise be prompted to download it first (which we explained earlier).

Now it is obvious that the music cannot be played on the clock, since it does not have speakers. The role of offline music is intended for use in conjunction with Bluetooth headphones or speakers with such connectivity, so if the clock detects that there is nothing that matched will inform you and take you to the settings for it. Ready, has no more mystery. When playing music, watch display see artist information, album image and controls to skip between songs, pause and volume up / down.


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