Apple will Unveil Apple Watch and Retina MacBook Air in a Special Event in March?

Apple held a special event in March where not only present but also iOS 8.2 Apple Watch and perhaps also the expected MacBook Air 12 “, the first screen Retina. The anticipation of a US site seems confirmed by several clues.

Source via idigitaltimes


A special event in March in which Apple executives will present not only iOS 8.2 but will also offer a complete presentation of Apple Watch and maybe even the first MacBook Air 12 “with Retina display. The pace of innovation of Apple will not drop, indeed, the multinational Cupertino who just (again) astonished the world by the Guinness Book Of World Records quarterly results, would already organizing a new special event in March: this is not a preposterous hypothesis an analyst, but an anticipation reported by BGR attributed by the US website to a source considered as reliable.

Of course, the reliability of the scoop is not verifiable, but the clues pointing in this direction are different. First iOS 8.2 is now considered in the finishing straight, considering the rapid roadmap beta versions, but it would make sense for Apple to release the first with integrated support for Apple iOS Watch with several weeks in advance of the commercialization of smartwatch. According to BGR some developers selected Apple would already be required to submit complete app: some of these, the best and the most able to showcase the new features of Apple Watch, could be shown just during the anticipated special event in March.

Other clues have been around for some time and have not gone unnoticed for connoisseurs Apple longtime. When it was shown for the first time to the public Apple Watch has received a short presentation and above all devoid of numerous technical and functional details. In practice during the event Tim Cook has offered the world just a preview of the next device on the way. Missing so a complete presentation as usually Cupertino gives every launch of each new product, an event dedicated as would indeed required for the first smartwatch built by Apple. During an event of this type, a few days before arrival in stores, Apple executives and developers selected could show the best Apple Watch in operation, including apps and services that iPhone users can not do without, a special event able to convey even more the attention of the media and the entire market product event of the year.

Finally, again, for months there is talk of a possible new MacBook Air 12 “the first screen Retina. Apple usually does not dedicate an entire event for an upgrade but only for the main new features, new products or generational changes. This move is more difficult to predict, but an event dedicated to Apple Watch would be a wonderful opportunity to introduce to the world even the next-generation MacBook Air.

Via idigitaltimes



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