Analysis of The Battery Life of Apple Watch, Is It Enough?

19 hours of passive use and 4 active use enough or sufficient for a device like the Apple Watch? A few weeks revealed that more than likely numbers will Apple Battery Watch ago. So far, the autonomy of the smart watch apple was completely kept secret, but alleged internal company sources have leaked the current state in which the battery is Apple Watch: 19 hours of passive use and 4 active use. What does it mean? What does it mean? And most importantly, is it enough?

Soruce via independent

First of all we have to make clear what is and what is not Apple Watch. First, there is a mobile such a device as we understand it right now, the Apple Watch does not require constant interaction and we must be clear that most of the time will be on our wrist like a complement more it were.

Now consider a conventional wrist watch, how often believe that someone turns to look at the clock to check the time throughout the day? Surely not exceed 15 minutes all day being generous, because it is instant and fleeting consultation, no more than a couple of seconds.

Now think of the Apple Watch and all the features it incorporates. Obviously, now the thing no longer happens only by consulting the hour, but also use it to read your messages, see our notices, answering emails, watch our progress daily activity, among others. However, how long do believe that we will be looking at the small screen smartwatch? Exactly, the best may take us some time, but usually will displays a quick read and a few seconds.

The Apple Watch belongs to what we call “invisible technology” and it has some implications

Nobody in their right mind would try to write a letter of 10 lines from Apple Watch having your iPhone in your pocket. Moreover, we would be giving a completely wrong use, because a smartwatch is not meant for that. Watch Apple will replace your iPhone in those routine and quick tasks: view missed notifications, check email, send a message, etc .

Would I seem sufficient? A lack of him in my wrist and to attest through my daily use, I think that even can be much better numbers, I will will miss battery at the end of the day. Not letting me see the light for 4 full hours before the tiny screen of Apple Watch. I do not doubt that I will use it intensely, but this intensity should be understood in terms of a smartwatch and not a smartphone.

Power worrying to take our phone and perform many of the tasks you do every day from wrist will make a big difference, but these tasks are so light that will not take us more than a couple of minutes at most, a couple of minutes within 4 hours of active use and 19 passive use.



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