Troll your friends, make a fake call

Have you ever found some weird applications that can be installed for free in the google playstore ? How many applications that you found ? I believe they are many weird applications in the google playstore that we can find. On of the weirdest application is the fake-a-call that can be installed for free. Developed by Excelltech which has developed more than 1 unusual applications like fake a call, fake an excuse, paranormal records, etc.
This application could be your answer if you want to troll your friends or maybe your family members, but you need to find the right person, NOT the smart one lol. This application works like a usual incoming calls. You could easily make a fake call, just like its tittle. You could also make a scheduled call, just mark the time that you want to have a call on that time.
Not only that, you could also choose the caller from your contacts list and choose your own ringtone. So, as the example you may write the caller name as Jason which existed in your contacts list and I decide that the phone call will be triggered 10 minutes after I set it. You’ll get an incoming call after 10 minutes ( follow up your choosen time ) and you can act like a man who have a real incoming call though actually you just talking to yourself lol.
If your targeted person is almost distrusting you, you still have a trump card. You just have to record your own voice and add it as the caller voice. You could select the sound files that you’ve been recorded in your phone. So, when the target is little bit worried whether it is a real call or not, you just need to give your phone to her / him, for less than 5 seconds or the truth will be revealed haha. They will usually believe you after you did it ( trust me, I have done this 5 times before, but my target aren’t smart enough to know that it just a fake calls ).
For your information, this application can suddenly crash depending on your gadget, but it is a nice application if you want to prank your friends. Maybe you could record a little bit evil sound, like ( Hello *your name* you’ve been invited to see the president ) LOL.
For fun use only