Developers Reveal Their Applications for the Apple Watch: So Will be Some

Developers are already finalizing all the details so that their applications come through the front door in the new Apple Watch. Without going any further, a few minutes ago we discovered that Apple is already inviting numerous developers to their headquarters so that, together with its engineers, completed applications for smart clock and can prove their performance in different models shows. However, how will wear some of these apps?

Source via wareable
As you know, initially there will be no native applications for Apple Watch, so all should have a corresponding version on the iPhone, and this time not about mere concepts but is the final design.
Surely many of you know this magnificent task manager from which we can create our lists and assign a priority order based on a color scale. Clear already has written for Apple Watch version and as you can see, follow the same philosophy as that found in the iPhone.
Exact Fitness Timer
With a large number of fitness apps available in the App Store, Exact Fitness Timer is exploring how the Apple Watch can complete our physical activity. With this app we can establish a series of timers from our wrist to quantify any activity we are doing. Its developers say see much potential in an app like this for the Apple Watch, although their functions are still to be decided.
Feed Wrangler
I have long thought that the Apple Watch is the best device to have a reader RSS Feed. With Feed Wrangler this will be possible, because we keep the time of the latest developments, which we are most interested, just look at our wrist. Although very few will read the full article on the screen of Apple Watch, this app will be essential to navigate between different holders present day.
Home Remote
The developer Gary Riches working on an ambitious software that allows you to “unlock doors, turn lights on and off, and even activate boiler”. Although time was working on a app of its kind for the Pebble, Riches says the experience offered by Apple Watch is much richer user. Your application will be able Supplier fast, easy and appropriate access to the actions we take every day.
Although we expect to launch its official Twitter client for Apple Watch, Infinitweet is the first customer to Twitter confirmed by a third party. This application converts long messages in images, an ideal way to avoid the limitation of the famous 140 characters. Using the microphone can deliver the message that the application be transformed into an image.
Via wareable
Apple Watch