The Apple Watch Had Expected Health Sensors Advanced

Ambitious health characteristics were finally eliminated Watch Apple due to consistency problems. Among many of the things that were expected of Apple Watch before submission, advanced functions to monitor our health was one of them. Articles like the one published by the WSJ that spoke of the 10 advanced sensors that could incorporate Apple clock made us dream of an ambitious and unprecedented device to know in depth what our health at all times.

Source via 9to5mac

However, when Apple introduced the smartwatch last September, we saw that the only health-oriented sensor incorporating heart rate was something already present in most smartwatch competition. What happened? Were the rumors that pointed to advanced sensors doctors? It seems so, but as happened with sapphire, everything went wrong.

The latest WSJ article shows us what were the characteristics of the original Apple Watch health and how these were eventually eliminated by consistency problems:

Apple began developing the watch four years ago with a focus on health and fitness. It is not unusual for Apple experimenting with different technologies or change of focus during product development, but the clock was proving especially challenging. Internally, the project became known as a “black hole” that absorbed many resources.

Apparently, the original plans for the Apple Watch is to count with sensors that measured the conductivity of the skin, allowing detect stress levels, or monitor similar to an EKG heart rate. Apple also tested ways of detecting blood pressure or detect how much oxygen had in her. However, problems of consistency of these features, coupled with a potential monitoring device for higher organisms, led Apple to change the course of health-oriented one more general device.

Many of the advanced sensors were not working properly in tests of Apple Watch

In relation to the problems they had with sensors, measuring the conductivity of the skin did not work well with people with too much hair on the arm or dry skin, and the results varied according to the requirement to Apple Watch wrist. On the other hand, the subject of supervision by the FDA and other entities if the device finally had medical functions not liked too Apple.

As we read in WSJ, although these features were removed from the original model, the sources say could return in future versions, which could already know days after submission of the smart watch. Undoubtedly, hopefully Apple will solve all these problems and present an ambitious medical device in future generations.

Via 9to5mac 


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