3 Characteristics Android Wear That Need Improvement

Android Wear has much potential, but needs further development in some features and include new ones to become a solid product that people want to buy really.


Source via androidheadlines

One of the surprises of this year has been the incorporation of Android Wear to the family of Google, its new operating system for wearables, which saw in greater depth during the Google I / O this past June, in addition to the first three devices that will not incorporating the LG G Watch, the Samsung Gear Live and Moto 360. However, the first two devices have proved disappointing in several respects, so that made me think of a list of features related to Android Wear that need to be improved or corrected for future devices:

  1. Battery

When I look back and look longingly to the Nokia 3310 and its powerful battery and see the perspective we have now, this is a bit depressing. Yes, I know that smartphones do many things that the old phones do not and yes, that entails an expenditure of battery, but with so much progress has been made in many fields of mobile phones. The development of better batteries for our devices is stagnant, and with the arrival of smartwatches, these are going to be dragged into the abyss of a battery of daily load.

Obviously, Android Wear ask save the world smartwatches is asking too much, and more for an operating system that is still in its infancy. But Android Wear brings nothing new in the field of autonomy, and the battery life of their smartwatches is equal to or worse than others smartwatches competition.

  1. A smartwatch should be visible outdoors

This is something unacceptable. I can understand that in a mid-range smartphone or low, due to their poor quality, can not see your screen by direct light, but not a smartwatch. A smartwatch is a smart watch, yes, but it is still a watch, and as such sometimes only love you check the time and nothing else. Obviously, this problem is not specific Android Wear, but the manufacturer, and in which delve more on the next point, but this should be mentioned separately because of its importance. And of course, what I have said about smartwatches with Android Wear should be also applied to smartwatch to Sony,

  1. Minimum hardware requirements and design

This is a recurring to the above, but speaking in a more general sense. Google should avoid what they are doing some manufacturers still being already in 2014 in the field of mobile: introduce smartphones in the market with hardware too low. We are talking about Samsung, and some low-end devices with 512 MB of RAM or continue using qHD resolutions when you can use an HD resolution without problems. Google should be controlled by hand harder this emerging market for wearables with more stringent requirements, all to provide a better user experience.


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