The Smartwatch of Geeksphone Promises to Sexual Performance Measure

Geeksme be the first smartwatch signature Geeksphone and offer interesting features quantization. The next MWC to be held in Barcelona from 2 to 5 March promises to be very fruitful in terms of new wearable technology is concerned, and especially the smartwatch could be one of the main protagonists of the show.

Source via pocketnow

Although we can not wait to try some as the newly launched LG Watch Urbane, Geeksphone company has already announced to be launched into the adventure of smartwatch with Geeksme, a truly unique device and we show a preview. Many can you to know this company by blackphone, a unique smartphone that claims to be the safest in the world. The company now offers the first details of Geeksme, his first smartwatch of a new line of products that are coming along this 2015. What features are in this smartwatch?

First, bet on a circular screen OLED touchscreen, a trend increasingly adopted by manufacturers of smart watches. The framework that will surround the screen will be all aluminum, an aspect which, judging by the schemes provided by the company, could look significantly to the Moto 360.

In terms of its functions, the Geeksme will focus especially on the quantification and therefore will have some classic features such as step count, distance, number of calories burned, physical activity, sleep monitoring, receiving notifications and calls, among others. However, if there is one feature that caught our attention is the supposed ability of the device to measure our sexual performance and footprint we leave on the environment.

The great unknowns of Geeksme: how to measure our sexual performance and ecological footprint?

The company has not provided details about how the Geeksme be able to measure our sexual performance or footprint, but have ensured that the device will offer tips to help you have a more fulfilling sex life as well as reduce our level of pollution to the environment. On the other hand, he also has to highlight the social functions that incorporates the clock, being able to share almost any achievement with our contacts.

Of course, there are still many more questions to uncover, such as which is the operating system for which he will choose the smartwatch. Will we or an Android Wear own OS? The availability and price of Geeksme be unveiled during the MWC, but is expected to hit the market from the second half of the year.

Via pocketnow 


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