Turn On Your Wifi, Bluetooth and The Other With Lollipop

Google had been thinking about how to made a smartphones became more effective and efficient. Google also made voice commands, so basically you can use your voice to operate some programs in your smartphone and maybe you have tried this feature. Some of you might think that this feature have many problems, like voice program can’t do the thing that you said to the smartphone. So, in lollipop, google improve this feature in order to make it run smoothly.

Before you know this, maybe you have tried some third-party applications that you can install for free in your smartphones, but you don’t need it anymore because now google installed it directly to your smartphones and you just need android 5.0 to be your OS.

Basically you just need to talk with your smartphone, like when you are talking with people. You can say anything that you want at the first like “Google I miss you”, “Google I love you”, etc. Then, say “Turn on wifi” if you want to turn it on and say “Turn off wifi” if you want to turn it off, sounds great isn’t it ? You can also say “Turn on” and “Turn off” to the bluetooth and flashlight section. Don’t worry if you make a mistake when you say that, a notification will appear after you say that and you can quickly change it to the default position manually. You can still working with it manually, I mean you can still use the primitive way and use you fingers to change it and turn it off or on.

This will only works exclusively on your lollipop OS. So, are you ready for this new advancement ? although voice actions isn’t fully developed, but as you can see that you can easily use this feature to grind the seed in your android smartphones.

Senna Saputra:

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