AndroidPay Will Be Launched By Google at I/O in May

Buying things online is fast and effective that’s why people do like it. When you are buying things online, maybe the first thing that come to your mind is a credit card or maybe paypal. Credit card and paypal are the common ways that people use to pay the seller in the internet because usually the seller provides a secured transaction. When you want to buy applications or e-books in the play store, surely you are familiar with the google wallet. With google wallet you can pay your selected items with your credit card which linked to your play store account. So, it will be easier to buy the things that you want to buy.

AndroidPay is just the same with the google wallet, so don’t worry, it will be an easy feature to use. It is rumored that it will be launched by google at I/O in May 2015. It will not replace the google wallet feature, but it will have the same feature of google wallet and maybe even more feature. Google wallet features will be linked to androidpay and it will be compatible with it. So, when androidpay is released, you don’t need the features of google wallet anymore because you already have the same feature in the androidpay.

Android Pay will allow companies to add a mobile payments option to their app, to which users can upload credit card or debit card information, so that payments become single-tap transactions within the app. In addition, a company adopting the Android Pay API will be able to allow tap-to-pay transactions in brick-and-mortar stores. This function will rely on Google’s Host Card Emulation (HCE), which makes it easier for third-party apps to take advantage of Android phones’ Near Field Communications (NFC) chips. As opposed to Google Wallet, the Android Pay API will be “built from the ground up” for Android developers, using HCE. –source

Senna Saputra:

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