Comparison Between Apple Watch and New Pebble Time

Recently Pebble unveiled the second generation of its smartwatch, the named Pebble Time and although it will not be available until next May, the company has passed in less than two days $ 10 million fundraising on Kickstarter, becoming and the most popular wearable never funded on the platform. But what new features this Pebble Time and why could rival for Apple Watch?

Source BGR

First, the device features a new design that forgets straight lines to adopt a more curved and smooth manner. His prominent frameworks are still present and even increase slightly in size, but certainly the main attraction is its new screen e-ink color. Of course, no touch screen, Pebble Time retains the 4 physical buttons that characterize albeit with a smaller size.

Now the great graphic designer Martin Hajek has decided to face the new Pebble Time against Apple Watch, intelligent clock apple could appear early next April. Of course, the only aspect that can come to appreciate in this comparison is the design of both terminals, so let’s complete comparison to when we know all the details of Apple Watch.

As we can see, the shape of the box both clocks are very similar: rectangular with slightly curved edges to give a sense of continuity. However, we could say that is the only aspect they share in common, because while Apple surface is completely -Flexible Watch crystal in its extreme-the Pebble Time feature prominently plastic frame and an inner bezel occupying surface much.

Apple Watch and Pebble Time, two very different ways of understanding what a smart watch

Although not yet have the final dimensions of either smartwatch, it appears that the thickness of both would be very similar. As for the physical buttons on the Apple Watch found two, the Digital Corona and button in tablet form, both located on the right side. However, the Pebble Time features 3 buttons on the right side and another on the left.

Recall that Apple Watch will be available in a number of models that are divided into case material, color, size and type of belt, while the Pebble Time have a single size with the choice between three different colors . We do not know if your straps are interchangeable. What do you think?

Via bgr 


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