Lunatik: The Protective Housing for Apple Watch, We Ensure Water Resistance

The Apple Watch also have their protective housings and Lunatik ensures resistance bombproof. The arrival of Apple Watch the market will also be a great business opportunity for manufacturers of accessories that come in smartwatch a new fully exploit new category. For Apple watch manufacturers put to work were even before its release, and I have seen projects like the adapter straps to the device or charging different bases for everyone.

Source 9to5mac

Today we bring you really curious, this is Apple Watch Epik Kit and is neither more nor less than a protective case for Apple Watch. The company that stands behind this product is Lunatik, a known manufacturer of accessories for iPhone, iPad and iPod now wants to try his luck with the possibilities offered by the smartwatch apple.

The company promises a protective housing shockproof to protect at all times -despite screen clock be made with the second hardest transparent material world and to preserve the integrity of the device. As you can see, the result once placed in the Apple Watch is somewhat extravagant and we doubt that many users are willing to sacrifice the design of your watch.

As if that were not enough, Apple Watch Epik Kit also offers resistance to the total water for Apple Watch, a feature that is still in the air, but seems to confirm something else following the recent statements of Tim Cook to an employee of the Apple Store ensuring that he “used in the shower.”

Protect your watch with a case, are not we going too far?

Like other industries such as straps for watches could grow beyond belief from the popularization of Apple Watch and other smartwatch, I have serious doubts that protective housings have wide acceptance in this product category. Usually, a watch is something we carry with us at all times and in many protected by a layer of clothing occasions, so I do not quite see the practical utility of increasing its volume by adding a thick shell.

Of course, we will see in the next keynote March 9 if finally the Apple Watch is waterproof or not, a feature that itself could open the door to different manufacturers iPhone Cases. What do you think? Is there room for protective housings in smartwatch?

Via 9to5mac 


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