First Impressions of Alcatel OneTouch Watch (MWC15)

The MWC in Barcelona has reached its third day and the atmosphere in Congress begins to subside compared to the madness of the first two days. Yesterday we had the opportunity to try the Alcatel OneTouch Watch, the first smartwatch of the firm that was introduced a few months ago but which little was known until now.

Source gsmarena

The first drawback is found in the screen, it really is a tiny 1.22-inch screen offers a poor and awkward experience when we interact with the system. Surprisingly, we observed Alcatel could have implemented a much larger screen if he wanted, but here fail many basic aspects in the design that we fail to understand.

First, the screen is surrounded by a large frame, which is not even made of steel as the Huawei Watch to provide a premium appearance, but part of the panel itself and is also covered by the glass. However, we could still forgive this shortcoming if the company had not engaged in “scratch” over the screen surface. As if the Moto 360 it were, the screen itself surrounded by the frame also features turn with a horizontal white stripe, so we’re not even to a complete sphere.

The OneTouch Watch is the perfect example of how not to take the surface of a screen

Continuing its design, the thickness of the housing is within reason and the area is surrounded by a strip of stainless steel gets minimally fix the mess of the screen. Just find a single physical button to power cycle the device screen. When we turn to software experience is not much more positive, the interface is clumsy and careless child. In the 10 minutes I had the Watch in my hands, I was not able to discover what truly gestures to exit apps and get around the system were, and that in a device like a smartwatch is essential.

The lack of intuitiveness of the operating system was accompanied by a really aberrant interface design, two horizontal rows of square icons and designed with colors and graphics that at times reminded me of the way children that exists in some smartphones.

In short, what at first seemed affordable alternative to Moto 360, once you have a couple of minutes in hand you realize that each belong to different worlds. By $ 150 to be released to the market, Alcatel OneTouch Watch this could eventually find its audience, but if you’re picky and think about it.

Via gsmarena


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