Intel and McAfee Want an Antivirus for LG Watch Urbane

Do you really need an antivirus for our smartwatch? Intel and McAfee think so. The expected popularization of smartwatch for years to drag behind other industries that could also grow beyond belief. Instinctively, we think of accessories manufacturers and, within these, those who specialize in straps smart watches. Undoubtedly, the straps could become the next few years a fixture that moves many millions annually as sleeves and cases for smartphones.

Source theverge
What else could go favored industries popularization of smartwatch? Is anyone thinking about antivirus? Exactly, no. Well yes, there is one exception two bigwigs in the technology industry such as Intel and McAfee want to join forces to create an antivirus smartwatch, a concept already collides so much ask if we have not gone too far with this in the protection of our devices.
Specifically, Intel wants to develop an antivirus for the newly introduced LG Watch Urbane LTE in partnership with McAfee, a veteran in this world. When a reporter asked the person responsible for Intel by reason of its creation, this has ensured that they had found security flaws in appliances such as air conditioners to what, without thinking twice, has added the following: “As any apparatus connect to a network, you want to protect with the passage of time.”
Indeed, and this is a purely personal view, the term “virus” already it sounds archaic, refers me to an era of technology (I think) have overcome. While these may still have some sense in computers -I have not used any in my whole life, I think use in smartphones; smart watches and any other mobile device should be absolutely ruled out.
Antivirus, that big business at the expense of all those who still believe that a hacker spy them for their webcam while sleeping. For all that, currently serve the so-called “antivirus” in smartphones is to consume resources unnecessarily, since it is not even proven its efficacy against an alleged real attack. As a report from The Verge, it is likely that this draft Intel and McAfee finally come to nothing, but nothing in this world would make me grace meet someone in a few years to show me his “new and powerful antivirus smartwatch”. Now I can sleep peacefully at night, no one could spy my sleep cycles.
Via theverge
LG Watch Urbane