Apple Reinvent the Battery with Apple Watch: Remote Wireless Charging

A user believes he has found the hidden message hidden behind the design of the next Apple keynote. Analyzing what is the main limitation of the current Apple Watch -his duration of battery- this user believes that Apple hides a message referring to this in their invitation to keynote.

Furthermore, he argues that the word “spring” would connotations refer to “Batteries” classic watches, and what can be seen in the background of the design would be a variant of something known as “flower of life” containing a geometric figure within their proportions in every aspect of life there. At the same time, the image also coincides with the display of certain fields and magnetic effects, which, considering that the Apple Watch is charged by magnetic induction, could be a simple coincidence or not.

All this where it leads? Wireless charging distance. Yes, this is the conclusion that this user has arrived, a technology that has been developing in the laboratories of R & D for years and yet has not ceased to be a mere concept. The important thing here is that it was Apple who patented this same technology, and did so in 2012, date to coincide with the start of the development of Apple Watch.

Apple patented technology wireless remote loading in 2012, and it is known that the company has always criticized cargo bases. Apple in patent described how near-field magnetic resonance wireless power transmission in a computer environment could be used. Will Debut this technology with Apple Watch? Several witnesses direct from Apple that could have left some clues support the user.

For example, Jony Ive referred to a useful feature of Apple Watch that would awaken with subtle vibrations through its haptic technology, something that would be unthinkable if we have to charge the watch every night, or rather, if we have to charge it outside our wrist. To this we must add that Apple has never been fond of charging bases, that is why its executives have stated on many occasions that wireless charging not be useful as it is to continue to use a cable to connect the charging base.

Now, as we read in Watchaware, but want to be overly optimistic in this regard, we know perfectly well that a characteristic of this type would have been difficult to hide for so long, especially now that it seems that some people have been able to access the Apple Watch and we were able to share their first impressions, including the battery.

Via knowyourmobile


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