Design or Display? Which is More Important for SmartWatch?

They’ve been with us for several years but it was not until 2014 when smartwatches have taken the final offensive to become indispensable elements of our daily life. And, as flag wearables devices, smartwatches are called to take over from smartphones as far as sales are concerned.

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So, we are seeing a greater number of models available in the market with very different features and functionalities that little or nothing to do with each other. It is not surprising, therefore, that many users do not have clear when done with a smartwatch, hesitating about which one suits them or what is a better bet for the future while its operating systems (and thus their apps and possibilities) continue to increase in the coming months.

Design, the subjective element of a smartwatch

Like any fashion accessory, appearance and design of our future smartwatch must match our personality, style of dress and lifestyle. Not surprisingly, in the market are devices made from plastic straps and pretty low quality to high luxury watches such as MICA Intel (though not literally a clock but rather a smart bracelet). However, there are some details of the design itself should be analyzed equally, whatever our personal preferences. In that sense, our new smartwatch should be comfortable. That means it must be easy to handle, weigh as little as possible (models ranging from 170 grams to just 40) and of a size that matches that of our wrist.

As for the buttons, there are many smartwatches including a front button, while others choose to hide them on the sides (like traditional clocks) and other betting directly remove them, giving absolute prominence to the touch screen. Depending on your personal preferences you must choose one model or another, but surely you can get used to the new user experience you raise any of them.

Display: to consider technology and shape, rounded or square

If a smartphone screen is the most remarkable element of those up the phone, on a smartwatch this importance is even greater. And is that the screen will be our single point of access and interaction with the device, so we have to select a watch that meets our expectations in this regard, both in size and shape and, especially, in the material it is made. In that sense, there are several different display technologies and each manufacturer is betting on one or the other. Thus, we find from smartwatches who opt for the classic LCD screens (with good color quality will be bad but full sunlight because of the reflections). The AMOLED (most saturated colors and look much better under the sunlight, albeit at the expense of increased battery consumption and a higher price).


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