Xiaomi Preparing New Smartwatch: Mi Band

Many call Xiaomi the “Apple China” pointing directly at seemed more than reasonable that usually fly their devices. So it is not surprising that after the launch of the smart watch rumors response Xiaomi arise.

Source gizmochina

The most interesting feature of the Xiaomi smartwatch (Mi Band) is the large size of its dial, which according to claim from 36krypton have the sufficient size to permit identification of the user through your pulse rate. This technology has two enormous difficulties, the first is the large amount of energy that could consume battery-and it’s one of the great weaknesses of smartwatch- and to make an accurate reading is necessary that the device has to be in a firm position, which is really complicated with a clock.

Beyond the credibility that everyone wants to give these rumors, it does seem rather more likely that suggest that the smart watch Xiaomi would have a similar to the HTC One M9, round and very thin metallic design. As for the price, considering it is a device Xiaomi surely be more affordable than others with similar features.

Besides its smartwatch, Xiaomi may also be about to launch a successor to Mi Band, not unlike this, with a light and sporty design, adding a NFC chip Bluetooth connection already incorporated its predecessor. Currently there is no information about the release of either of these devices.

A new feature is rumored user identification through his pulse rate, a technology not seen and that may well be a good way to innovate, or a failure by the high battery consumption that entails, as would use a lot of power to determine accurately the pulse. In terms of design, is projected to be round dial with a rather metallic appearance and thickness obtained.

As if that were not enough, also at hand, but probably more in the background the successor to the Mi Band, then keep a lightweight sporty design, but adding a more elegant to also be a bracelet for daily use for many touch with added the NFC chip next to the Bluetooth connection as we know. Of course the price will remain at ground level how could it be otherwise, hence its success.

For now, expect more news about it and we were looking forward to an image, you rest assured that reveal their appearance and why not, even your specifications.

Via gizmochina 


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