The Promising Circular: Samsung Smartwatch Not Arrive Until September

Samsung wants to do things right this time with his rumored “Orbis” and is perfected design. The situation in the coming months on the market smartwatch promises, because with the Apple Watch just around the corner, we’re about to truly discover whether this 2015 will be “the year of the smartwatch” as some predicted or at otherwise we will have to keep waiting. Many players have already shown their -Apple, LG, Pebble and Huawei- letters, although we miss especially one in particular: where are you, Samsung?

The South Korean company last year flooded the market with their smartwatch, even to launch 6 different models within 6 months. With their latest device, the Gear S, it appears that the company has not seen any signs of life, but we know they are working on something completely new.

For several months we have been informing of Orbis, the name would receive the next Samsung smartwatch and shall circulate the popular format. In addition, leveraging its new format, the device may incorporate a completely new way to interact with it: rotating bezel. As if Apple Watch Crown were, rotation in either direction bezel Orbis allow us to move through the system.

When the Orbis hit the market? Sources have confirmed that Samsung are not yet ready to launch, so most likely we can see from the month of September, perhaps at CTIA 2015 held in Las Vegas. Beyond perfecting the design of the clock, an aspect that particularly worry Samsung is the battery life, which would improve testing modes to attack Apple Watch this flank and nearly 18 hours of battery life.

The Orbis could incorporate a processor Exynos 7420 of 14 nanometer to greater energy efficiency

Some of its technical characteristics, the next Samsung smartwatch could incorporate the brand processor Exynos 7420 home of 14 nanometer, which we found in recent flagship submitted by the company and serve to achieve high energy efficiency and achieve lengthen and the battery life. You really much power into a smart watch is necessary?

As we read in BGR, is also expected to have Tizen operating system, it seems that Samsung wants to chart its own path away from Android Wear, and deploy the wireless charging system. What do you think what we know so far? Will the Orbis be the first smartwatch appeal of Samsung?

Via technobuffalo


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