Kairos Smartwatch Review

Kairos Smartwatch: As for icon-based display, which features 10 different lights up depending on the type of alert or notification in question? In the middle will have a small alphanumeric panel in which we can read the message, but since it is very far from being practical and convenient. It is therefore a difficult decision, because neither system is 100% perfect.

The design

The Kairos is a big Smartwatch, very large, this type of watches that are constantly screaming, “Look at me!” When we wear. This may prove a point in its favor for some users, but I particularly do not like. Its thickness is more than considerable, 17.1 mm, and its weight is considerable. Of course, the Kairos is completely ruled out for the female audience and, depending on the size of your wrist for too many men. Its prominent sphere is constructed of stainless steel with 3 different finishes: black, chrome and gold. On its side, we also find an elegant inscription on Greek letters, probably referring to the origin of its name, Kairos, which in Greek philosophy represented a period of time that something important was happening.


The functions of Kairos are essentially reduced to the notifications, so we are not facing a “fully functional” Smartwatch. Calls, text messages, emails or alerts, that’s the kind of content that this watch will display on your screen and explained the CEO of the company, its intention in the short term does not go much further. Tracking the activity and sleep is a fact that the company has entrusted Misfit, who has incorporated these elements into the device software. Is Kairos limited Smartwatch? The answer depends on the type of users that are, but obviously their price is out of reach of the average user.

Price and Availability

The first shipments of Kairos begin in the first week of next May, gradually increasing in the coming months to reach all users who carry patiently waiting for that financed the project Indiegogo, where he went on to gross more than 2 million. As for prices, depart from $ 1139 with Japanese movement system and from $ 2549 for the Swiss. The different variants of screen and technology have not yet been specified.

Of course, as concluded in weareable, the Kairos is the beginning of something exciting, a technology that fuses art with classic to a point that virtually diluted. Surely, this first version is not what we are expecting, but wait impatiently what can go from here. What do you think of the Kairos?

Via indiegogo 


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