Kevin Lynch Talks About the Secret History of the Development Apple Watch

Kevin Lynch Talks About the Secret History of the Development Apple Watch

Kevin Lynch has become a very important person in Apple, because it was he who was responsible for directing and coordinating the development of the operating system Apple Watch. Not surprisingly, was the Lynch himself who took the stage at the keynote in the last two events to introduce what it is capable of doing the smart watch apple. Now, Wired offers a profound interview about the secret history of the development of Apple Watch and how this was to become a reality.

Soruce wired

When Lynch came to Apple in early 2013 was informed that his role would be to make the new Jony Ive dream a reality. Ive wanted to create a revolutionary device that could be worn on the wrist, but at that time there was not even a working prototype, much less a software only many ideas on the table.

Apple wanted to take the next big step in its history: to build a watch. “There was a feeling that technology was going to move to our body. We felt that the natural place was the wrist, a place that had historical significance and meaning, “explains Alan Dye, responsible for leading the group Apple Human Interface.

One thing was clear, which largely determine the success or failure of this new product would be the user interface, and this is where Alan Dye entered. This executive is ultimately responsible for the design of the user interface of Apple products, and logically works directly for Jony Ive.

With the development of iOS 7 the idea of ​​creating the Apple Watch

The small team began working on the development of Apple Watch had a very clear idea: the phone is ruining our lives. Most of them agreed annoying having to serve hundreds of notifications over the day. “People carry the phone around and look at the screen too,” says Lynch. Phones have become invasive, but what if a device could be created that leaked tons of useless notifications and inform us of what is really important?

This question began to be shaped so that years later would become the Apple Watch. Ironically, Apple had created the problem with the iPhone and now wanted to solve the Smartwatch. To add more irony to the story, Lynch tells us that the first prototype of Apple Watch was actually an iPhone attached with a Velcro strap to the wrist.

As we read in Wired, now that Apple is just showing that the product in which they have been working for the past four years should be worn on our wrists. Will they succeed? It is still early to tell, but the first big event will take place on April 24 in 9 countries.

Via realcleartechnology 
