Pebble Announced a Fund of $ 1 Million to Fund Intelligent Straps

Pebble wants to help turn ideas into reality with its fund $ 1 million to create smartstraps. When the Pebble Time was announced ago now just over a month, the company introduced almost parallel platform of intelligent smartstraps or straps. I must confess that this is a very exciting concept, and although some examples as e-Strap Montblanc have not come out quite right, the potential still to be explained. And Pebble want to take advantage of it.

The company knows better than anyone how difficult it is to get an idea forward, something that often has a unique difficulty: money. Therefore, Pebble just announced a fund of $ 1 million with which they finance the best projects of intelligent straps which they become a reality and can reach users of the new Pebble Time.

Of course, the company will not be able to fund each project submitted, but their representatives have said they will try to distribute funds more equitably as possible among the proposals that are selected. At present, some of them are already on the table as is the case, a belt that would synchronize the Pebble and connect it directly to a mobile network, allowing the clock is constantly connected without the phone.

Seeedstudio, the company also seeks a chunk of that fund to get the SmartStrap realize where you are working, which include different modules with GPS, NFC and heart rate sensors, features that are not currently present in the Pebble Time. Of course, it will be very interesting to see proposals that can go from here.

The Pebble Time and smart belts, a combination that might work very well

The possibilities of technical specifications to add to our final device is something that until recently was only a pipe dream, but following projects as ARA Google has begun to take seriously. Now with smartstraps, a new world of possibilities opens up for both users and developers, it is undeniable that the possibility to incorporate additional battery seems very appetizing.

As we read in iMore, Pebble recently concluded its crowdfunding campaign of Pebble Time overcoming the barrier of $ 20 million, a figure unheard of in financing platform. Recall that intelligent clock will start shipping from next May to users. What do you think?

Via slashgear 


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