The Apple Watch Screen Sapphire Proves to be Virtually Indestructible

Come the first test of strength of Apple Watch: first stop, sapphire screen 38mm. Although there are still a couple of weeks for the Apple Watch reaches the market, it seems that some users have been able to gain any of its components. We speak of iPhonefixed an iPhone repair service that already has a copy of the screen Apple Watch Sapphire, specifically the 38mm model. You want to find out their level of resistance?

Apple used the sapphire as a material for the screen of your watch for many reasons, mainly because it is the second hardest in the world after diamond transparent material and, considering it will be constantly exposed to knocks and scratches with different elements, seemed necessary to make an Apple Watch practically “indestructible”. Have they succeeded?

As usual in endurance test, the panel was subjected to various tests, each more aggressive and damaging than the last. For example, began by touching the screen against a stone wall, grating with a coin, keys or even sandpaper. The result? Screen Apple Sapphire Watch or flinch at any of these tests, so they decided to go a step further.

The last big test was to use a hammer and an electric drill to try to leave any trace on the screen smartwatch. Nothing. The screen was pristine, as if it had been hit by a hammer seconds before. Of course, this is fabulous news that does not hurt to hear after some of the problems discovered in the Apple Watch after the first analysis by the press.

Recall that the sapphire display only is included in the model Apple Watch Edition stainless steel and 18K gold. If we opt for the Sport collection, find a reinforced glass dubbed Ion-X which, although it has not yet been tested its strength, iPhonefixed believe that resist well to shocks thanks to glass. As we see in MacRumors, Apple Watch may be tested in stores starting tomorrow, so any interested party may have more direct contact with the device before its launch next April 24. Apple’s promotion of the sapphire crystal display cover marketed it as a material “ideal for protecting the Retina Display” on the Apple Watch, due to it being one of the hardest transparent materials on the planet next to actual diamonds.

Via macrumors 


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