Moto 360 and Other Smartwatch Down in Price Before Arrival of Apple Watch

The Moto 360 reduces its price to € 199 on Amazon before the imminent arrival of Apple Watch Market. The arrival of Apple Watch the market will favor those who are interested in buying a smartwatch, not because they intend to purchase Apple Watch precisely, but because they may be able to take advantage of interesting discounts on models from other companies. One of the most interesting smartwatch we have right now in the market is the Motorola Moto 360 and guess what? Yes, the price drops.

Although we do not know the reasons for this reduction in price, and considering it is a device that was launched in October last year, the move right now seems to respond to the imminent arrival of smart watch Apple market, namely the next April 24.

For example, in the United States is already possible to buy the Moto 360 with leather strap on Amazon for $ 179 or $ 229 if we want to with the metal belt. It should be borne in mind that the smartwatch Motorola originally cost $ 250, so it is a more significant reduction and we sure appreciate many users who want to try their luck in this smart watches.

Here the reduction is not as significant as in the US, but we can also find it on Amazon for 199 € a reasonable price considering it remains one of the best Android Wear devices market. Also, if Google finally finishes presenting Android Wear compatible with iPhone, the move could go round if we are not interested in the Apple Watch.

Meh reburfished models Metawatch offered for just $ 15

Another example of this reduction in prices smartwatch is found in the Meh online store, who until recently offered reburfished Metawatch models for just $ 15 plus shipping. Unfortunately, the promotion has gone on a seen and unseen.

As shown in Venturebeat, we are confident that more smartwatch will lower its price before the arrival of Apple Watch, a method of trying to convince those undecided users who are not sure if it’s worth paying at least $ 349 it costs entry model to the smart watch apple. And you, are you willing to pay? What model of Apple Watch have thought?

Via venturebeat 


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