All Accessibility Settings of Apple Watch

Apple Watch will Accessibility settings to suit people with impaired vision and hearing. Yesterday we saw that Apple had updated webpage Watch to add 4 new video-guides in which we showed features like phone app, Siri, Maps or Music. Parallel to this update, the company also added new information on the Accessibility Settings Apple Watch for all those who have some kind of vision or hearing problem. Let’s see how far the device is suitable for all audiences.

Source atmac

To make it more simple, we will divide the different settings Apple Watch accessibility into two categories, those who belong to the sphere of vision problems and those to hearing problems. Of course, we recommend taking a look at Apple’s website to discover in detail each and every one of them.

Accessibility settings for those with impaired vision

How could it be otherwise, we find the VoiceOver feature that played through the loudspeaker everything is displayed, even though we can not see it. This function can be activated through a gesture that has not yet been determined and supports up to 14 languages. Another option will allow us to increase the font size of Apple Watch the entire system, both applications as in the settings menu. Also you can select the text in bold to make it even easier to read. With the Zoom function we can expand the screen anywhere in the system, whether we are in the settings menu as a native application. Of course, to do this we will use the Digital Corona.

With grayscale mode we can set the whole system adopts black and white colors a useful solution when problems you suffer vision in which particularly affects us the color. Extra large watchfaces allow us to see the time without having to squint at any time, and a good example of this is the watchface in digital format that can be viewed here. Although Apple lets you choose from a wide range of designs, perhaps this is the most appropriate if we have difficulty in near vision.

Reduce the transparency of the system is also an alternative available to our vision focuses mainly on the content we have just ahead. The slides will be more noticeable when we meet in corners of the system as Siri or Glances. As in iOS, it will also be possible to activate the On / Off tags in the system settings so that we know when a switch is on or off.

Finally, we can reduce the movement for some elements such as screen icons can be screen start- simpler and associate directly to our gestures navigation. What do you think accessibility settings?


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