By Reshiegowo / / Apple Smartwatch

Apple Watch is here, so it’s time to get down to work and start to bring you the best tutorials to get the most out of our new device. Today we start with something very basic but essential for anyone who has recently made a Watch: synchronize with our iPhone . This is a basic procedure to buy any product from Apple, but that comes with the Watch especially important because it is very different from what we were used to.

How to Synchronizing Apple Watch with iPhone

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Here we show you step by step how to properly synchronize Apple Watch and configure the initial settings. Synchronizing the Watch with iPhone:

  1. The first thing we have to do to get the Apple Watch your box is turned on, so keep pressing the side button for a few seconds until we apple Apple display.
  2. Once on we will have to proceed to select the language in which we have our operating system.
  3. The next screen prompts you to perform the Apple Watch app for iPhone, so we have installed at least iOS 8.2. No need to open up the still, so we’ll just press the button “start synchronization” of our clock.
  4. When we do, it will start an animation in our Watch, which in reality is only a certificate of authenticity that will ensure that we are using an official Apple Watch and not a replica.
  5. Now is the time to open the app on your iPhone, Apple Watch and select “Start Sync”. We can do this in two different ways. The first, and more simple, is to use your iPhone camera to point at the screen Apple Watch and end synchronization (be sure to fit it in the yellow box). The other option, in the event that the camera of our device does not work, is to synchronize manually. To do this we tap the “i” of the Watch, record the number that tells us, and the iPhone app to select “manually synchronize Apple Watch” by entering the number you just noted.
  6. We have our Apple Watch perfectly synchronized, now it is time to start with the default settings.

Ready! Apple Watch is completely ready to work and now all that remains is that you can take out the maximum benefit. Stay tuned to our tutorials section to discover all those tricks that will help you succeed.

Synchronizing Apple Watch

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