Samsung Has Confirmed The Next SmartWatch Will Circulate

Samsung announces the new generation of the SDK for Gear with a circular interface. Although it was virtually an open secret, Samsung has just confirmed a few days ago that the next generation of its SmartWatch will be circular. How does what you have done? The South Korean company has sent a press release to various media in the new version of the SDK will use its line of smart watches in the coming months is announced and, to everyone’s surprise, the promotional images and shows a completely circular interface.

Source doi-toshin

As shown in the picture, the press release titled as “The Samsung ecosystem Gear” attached different images where you can see a new circular interface. The minimalist look seems to follow the line of Android Wear, preferring rich, vivid colors, which I appreciate when we have to look at the small screen of your clock.

Although the note does not provide any information about the operating system, it could be the new generation of Tizen or completely new one which will be released by the next SmartWatch Samsung. In addition, we can also see that Samsung already boasts to have the support of several developers for the next generation of its operating system as CNN, Yelp or Baidu.

Given the popularity of the circular SmartWatch, boosted by models such as Moto 360, Huawei Watch or LG Watch Urbane, it is not surprising that Samsung has launched in this direction. All rumors suggest that will be presented next September and could reach the market under the name of Gear A, although the latter still has not been confirmed by other sources.

The “Gear A” Samsung could reach the market in September with a whole new look

Some of the features expected for this SmartWatch, is a model with 3G native, a rotating bezel serve to interact with the system in the same way that the Crown Digital is used in Apple Watch, wireless charging, among others.

Moreover, as we read in The Verge, Samsung would pay special attention to the issue of battery life, an area where they want to go well beyond Apple Watch and its short duration of a day of autonomy. We really want to know what we have prepared the Koreans and check again, the Apple-Samsung binomial is repeated in the field of smart watches.

Via sammobile 


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