Buy Apple Watch from Apple Store Will Be Possible Soon

The app from Apple Store for Apple Watch coming soon with an update of the version for iOS. The experience of shopping from your wrist is maybe not the best one, but it seems that the big platforms are betting on it. Recently we could see how application for Apple Watch in Amazon, which lets you search items, add them to our wish list and even buy them with one touch thanks to a new abbreviated process purchase.

Now, sources close to the Cupertino company report that Apple Watch soon be able to buy at the Apple Store. Apple’s online store also reach the smart watch as part of an update to the iPhone and iPad versions, and allow users to perform certain types of buying directly from the watch.

We do not know what you mean by “certain types of purchase,” any of you imagine buying a Mac of thousands of euros from the watch? Of course not, but for certain types of items itself might make sense. For example, to buy an accessory for your iPhone, a new mouse for the Mac or any other product that does not require a closer look.

It is very likely that for certain items, the Apple Watch app asks us we complete the process of buying from your iPhone or iPad, which is very easy to do using the handoff function. Of course, it is also expected that we can receive notifications about the status of our articles shipping new products in which we are interested or any other type of alert.

The Apple Store employees install the app will recommend customers to buy the Watch

Moreover, it appears, the Apple Store employees will begin to recommend to customers who purchase an Apple Watch to install the application on their watches. Of course, this will occur once the SmartWatch can be purchased in physical stores of the company, which did not happen before June could report as Angela Ahrendts. As the Apple Watch does not have a keyboard, more involved orders will require the user to move over to the iPhone app.

As we read in 9t5oMac, purchases from the Apple Watch have raised some controversy in recent days, especially following a user inadvertently bought an Xbox One was testing when applying Amazon. Does anyone has thought to blame the inexperience of the user, not the watch itself?

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