Android Wear Never Cease to Amaze, Even for Running Windows XP

Android Wear Never Cease to Amaze, Even for Running Windows XP

If yesterday we knew that we can soon make and receive calls from our Smartwatch with Android Wear operating system, with the addition of microphone and speakers on these devices, today we will know something curious about a smart watch with Google software  installed inside.

Android Wear is an operating system that has a long way to go to catch up to other operating systems, but it is increasingly used by more users. And in the last few hours we have seen one of them has been able to run Windows XP on one of these gadgets.

The Smartwatch in question is also the LG G Watch a model that incorporates the latest developments and has already been available on the market for quite some time. The usefulness of this is negligible, because nobody in their right mind is going to install Windows XP on their Smartwatch, which will not bring anything, but it is an interesting curiosity that of course could not pass without a show.

Android Wear is an immature and very early operating system to develop and explore. It’s not something we’re going to discover now, in fact Google itself has said that soon we can hit the speaker stand and voice calls watches, like Samsung Tizen already enjoying for months.

The Google I / O 2015 to be held later this month will be a new twist to the Android Wear range, but for now we can be satisfied with the steps that will give the developer community. Developers do not stop to prove that computers are actually smartwatches wrist, and he first saw an Android Wear emulating classic consoles like Game Boy Color or PlayStation, now we can “enjoy” running Windows XP perfectly.

No joke, not a developer has ported a lightweight version of a few megabytes of Windows XP console-only work commandos and has installed an LG G Watch which starts perfectly with the operating system of Microsoft. As you will imaginary, its usefulness is negligible beyond a design exercise, but shows that the possibilities of smart watches are yet to be explored and that the limit will be only in the imagination of the developers. reported: As to be expected, the performance is less than desirable. In any case, this is a cool proof of concept to highlight just how far technology has come in emulation software and processing capabilities.

Via, windowscentral 
