Street Photography with Smartwatch, really?

I love those challenges on Digital TV Review which test the ability of photographers and urging them to take pictures with cheap cameras. I like it because whenever I see a new proposal that gives me to analyze many aspects of photography to think about how this affects us discipline through many factors.

This time the challenge was proposed to have Gary Tyson, used to photojournalism, who had to walk the streets with a “precious” pink wrist device that is on sale for $ 42. Obviously not an Apple Watch, but according to the results to reflect on the photographic image, we will see which is more than enough.

With the challenges of Digital Review attempting to insist on the idea that to make good pictures what matters is the photographer’s eye and not the quality of the camera. Well, I think this premise is emphasized very well with this type of video, but from our look in these experiments just come into play many more factors.

For example, the scenario is the streets of cities like Shanghai. It is very helpful to make pictures of an interesting scene. Especially for street theme, where we find characters to which we have access in our latitudes. This on the one hand, and on the other photographers who proposed the challenge to have enough tables to know where to move when testing these devices.

Looking at the pictures that Gary Tyson is taking on his tour of the city, except the low-quality level resolution, he could well make a catalog of street photography. Flat nearby, attractive angles, looks escaping from the camera alongside other directly, look commonplace in this genre, ultimately anything but let’s at fault when approaching this type of work.

Furthermore, in this case, does not even use the “goodness” of this camera as a spy element, since in many of the shots is the photographer who asks the subject if you can take a picture, closely related with it what you can do when working with a conventional camera. Maybe he’s removing some videos such taking away more importance than they have, but I like to reflect on the act of shooting and the final image regardless of the device that is taken.

For those unfamiliar with Digital Review, I invite you to take a walk through the videos of the challenges, a way of approaching the figure of important photographers in this profession, to see how they work in conditions that a priori are not the most appropriate for the use of cheap cameras, and thinking if we really are vendiento the bike or are good practices to promote the idea that the photographer is more important than the camera.

Youtube Channel Digital Review 


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