Android M Still Remains a Mystery about Its Full Name

Although it has been announced by Google, Android M still remains a mystery about its full name. Various speculation was circulating, ranging from analysts to the alleged “people say” internal leak of Google.
Android OS is unique when the other OS wear numbering such as Apple iOS and Windows. Google prefers to use the alphabet. Now the world’s most popular OS is starting to enter the version of the ‘M’.
Such as when Google announced Android L, the letter M in Android is also intriguing. There is some speculation circulating about the initials, but of course still associated with the name of the dessert or sweet snack.
The first allegation is Marshmallow. Yes, this food is very popular in the United States, so a reasonable prediction of the use of the name is the most powerful. Then followed was Muffins, tiny cakes that no less famous.
The next name is included in the prediction is Macadamia. It is a kind of pie made from nuts. But in addition to the cake, there is also the name of a drink are included in the ‘exchange’ guess the name of Android M, namely Milkshakes.
Interestingly, at a guess the names were also tucked alleged undue name. Some say Android M would mean Mars or Milkyway. But when referring to issues that call Google no longer use the name of the snack, two names seemed rather difficult to be realized. For information, Mars and Milkyway are the name that is quite popular snack as well as KitKat.
Since its inception starting C aka Cupcake Android, Google has always made the names of food. It can be seen from the later version, followed by Android Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat, and most recently Lollipop.
So what the letter M stands for his name? Surely only Google knows.
Android MAndroid M Full NameMacadamiaMarshmallowMilkshakesMuffins