Review Notifications and Apps on Sony SmartWatch 3

Sony Smartwatch 3 has the best features in the smart watches market: 4 GB of internal storage, 1.6-inch screen (320 x 320), 512 MB of RAM and A7 an ARM processor Quad 1.2 Ghz. It is more than enough to rule in the market. The device does not forget that in most of its functions, it will continue to rely on our smartphone. Like other smart watch, we have to charge the battery Sony SmartWatch daily.

And this point, controversial and uncomfortable for many users, in my experience has not seemed the worst. We can charge the watch in half an hour, in such a simple operation such as getting to work and plug into a USB port of your computer. At this point if it is appreciated for example, that Sony has opted for a micro USB connection rather than a proprietary charger, which prevents us to bring us an additional cable.


Although there are a few apps for our Smartwatch, the moment quickly discover that their main function will be nothing to report, tell us what is happening in our smartphone: mails coming, tweets, expiring tasks, etc.

While some of these notifications we interact (eg. Reply to a WhatsApp with our voice or write a small e-mail), in most cases are for informational purposes and if we do something about it, we use our smartphone. Are they really so useful? In my experience, respond to this question depends largely on two factors: the size of our smartphone and where we get him.

The higher your smartphone, more grateful to see notifications on our wrist. To do so with a simple flick of the wrist without using two hands that demands a phablet, it’s all a point in its favor. In the case of using bag, backpack, etc. to transport our smartphone also soon we discover its usefulness. For example, to answer a Whatsapp while walking without having to stop us, search our smartphone, unlock, etc. I’m sure it will be for many users one of the most interesting features.


At least in its present stage, I just do not have too clear the value they bring the Apps a SmartWatch, at least in the Android system. Google includes some standard as the ability to set alarms, record reminders, or add events to our calendar using it exclusively for voice commands.

If it is true that they have a sense at certain times, its use is actually residual simply because they see us talking to our clock, creates a sense of social discomfort especially if we are in enclosed spaces such as subway. The good news is that we have to “navigate” through a specific store for Android Wear (although we do). If our phone App is compatible or have our clock version will be installed automatically.


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