TAIG Forget The Jailbreak for Apple Watch for Now

The team of hackers has not yet clear whether Apple Watch needs Jailbreak. Jailbreak community look closely everything that is presented this afternoon at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, especially after learning that iOS in September will introduce new safety systems that would preclude the possibility of jailbreak our devices. Although this possibility seems rather unlikely, since the end of the day it has always found a hole through which to realize it, will iOS nine other major challenge for hackers.

Definitely one of the most active team of the moment in the panorama of TAIG Jailbreak is responsible for one of the two tools to do in iOS 8. Recently, the Chinese team released a statement reporting that have not planning to launch any Jailbreak for iOS 8.3 or iOS 8.4, so reserve all their efforts and exploits for iOS in September.

In addition, also they took the opportunity to rule on an issue not yet discussed: the Jailbreak for Apple Watch. Although the smart watch apple is in a completely different product category, no longer a mobile device with software, so it is normal that many have wondered if the SmartWatch also have its own Jailbreak.

TAIG team through one of its members, Ray Xie, has made it very clear: “We have no plans to do a Jailbreak for Apple Watch right now. The Apple Watch is a new product. We do not know too much about what users want. In addition, we also have very clear if necessary Jailbreak for Apple Watch. Time will tell. ”

TAIG want to see the response from users to the Apple Watch to assess the possibility of Jailbreak

By statements of the group it seems that for now the expectations are, first, the Apple Watch hosting by users and, secondly, on the needs of these once they have seen the possibilities of their new device.

I was particularly surprised that it was not necessary to Jailbreak the Apple Watch, for everything that involves expanding the barriers that Apple imposes on its products always interesting, at least for a section of users. Do you think you need the Jailbreak for Apple Watch?

Via idigitaltimesiclarified


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