They Get to Run the Macintosh OS 7 System in Apple Watch

A developer gets run a full version of the legendary Macintosh OS at Apple Watch. It seems that lately it to run desktop operating systems in SmartWatch is fashionable. About a month ago, we saw how in Android Wear managed to run Macintosh System 6, the system that accompanied the flagship Macintosh II was marketed back in 1987. Now, the developer Nick Lee has managed to run on your Apple Watch a full version of Macintosh OS System 7.5.5.
Macintosh OS System 7.5.5 was presented on September 27, 1996
This operating system was released 19 years ago, specifically on 27 September 1996. Now, in the 2015, a device that can be comfortably worn on your wrist is capable of running what at that time was considered the latest in technology. Nostalgia aside, sure many of you’ll want to know how this developer has managed to run on the Macintosh OS.
Lee used to run watchOS 2 Mini vMac Macintosh Emulator, which has been also used in Android Wear stop demonstrations. This tool is designed to enable modern devices run software that was designed for the first Macintosh. In the case of System 7.5.5, it was originally designed to run on a Mac Power PC when it was presented.
As you can see in the video that we leave down here, recognizable screen monochrome Macintosh desktop is loaded on the small screen of Apple Watch. Obviously, it is virtually impossible to control, but it continues to be a show of force of what these devices can get to. Undoubtedly, with the arrival of watchOS 2 and native applications, we are confident that many developers create new ways of interacting with our watch.
If you want to see how far you can get the power of the SmartWatch, you can take a look at the achievements of a young developer who has managed to run Windows 95 on Android Wear and popular games like Doom or Pokemon.
As show us from MacRumors, developers have already started to look at the possibilities for Apple Watch to run native applications. In recent weeks have also seen how getting run native apps or a full version of a web browser, which logically it is not included by default with the current operating system of Apple Watch. How far they will be able to reach the SmartWatch?
Via macrumors
Apple Watch