Reserve Strap Promises 30 HOURS !! of Extra Battery in Apple Watch

Reserve Strap Promises 30 Hours of Extra Battery in Apple Watch
Reserve Strap Promises 30 Hours of Extra Battery in Apple WatchReserve Strap Promises 30 Hours of Extra Battery in Apple Watch

Reserve Strap for Apple Watch. Source:

Battery Belt incorporates announces Reserve Strap for Apple Watch. They claimed The Reverse Strap give 30 hours extra battery on Apple Watch. We have been following the Reserve Strap draft for a long time, the first belt built-in battery that was announced for Apple Watch and whose leaders seem to have managed to bring the project on track. The product appears ready to hit the market in November and the company has showed a very interesting fact: 30 hours of extra battery for our Apple Watch.

The company updated the website Reserve Strap to announce new data and details about the project, and among them are the belt will offer “more than 30 hours of additional use,” 2.7x equivalent to more than 167% that integrated Apple Watch Battery offering. Undoubtedly, this battery would be a ideal solution, cover important needs for the most demanding users.

One of the main drawbacks of Apple Watch is the watch forces us to charge it every day if we want to hold a full workday. Reserve Strap connected with our Apple Watch, so we could easily get three days in a week. It is ideal for the demanding users who use the Apple Watch primarily as a receiver of notifications.

In addition, Reserve Strap will be the first accessory which exploits the hidden port incorporates Apple Watch in one side where the belt is introduced. Indeed, this 6-pin connector will be used by the strap to connect to the electrical device system and charge while you are using it, on the other hand, will be a faster charge than is currently achieved through the system by magnetic induction.

Reserve Strap will hit the market on 3 November for $ 249

Yes, we can not forget the negative points of this Reserve Strap. First the accessory will be expensive, $ 249. Moreover, its design will not be as aesthetically and other belts that can be found on the market, it must logically have a considerable thickness to incorporate the battery cells.

As reports from Ibtimes, to buy the book Strap also acquire a USB connector for charging the belt and a special tool that will allow us to remove the cap that currently covers the Apple Watch connector.

Could it be a temporary solution to the Apple Watch Battery Life problem? What do you think?

Via ibtimes 
