5 Essential Tips for Saving Battery in Apple Watch

The battery life remains a major concern of users in relation to their electronic devices. Unfortunately, Apple Watch has not managed to be an exception in this respect and, even if the battery performs much better than we expected at first, it will be essential that we put our clock loaded later in the day to withstand a full day when we wake up. For all these cases we bring you five essential tips that will help you increase the battery life of your Apple Watch.

  1. Disable notifications like there’s no tomorrow

You really need to be notified of the 50 applications that you have installed on your iPhone? The proper management of notifications is one of the keys to success for our Apple Watch survive and not wanting to uproot his wrist at the end of the day. Avoiding it is very simple, just have to enter the application of Apple Watch for iPhone, select the “Notifications” and start switches off those apps that do not need to constantly remind us how important they are.

  1. Reduce screen brightness

We must recognize that the screen Apple Watch looks great, it not for nothing is the best of all SmartWatch to date, but sometimes we forget that also consumes power, a lot of battery, so maybe it suits us reduce some brightness at least in situations where we are indoors and readability is still perfect. We can reduce the brightness of the screen Apple Watch entering the Settings application on the clock, select “Brightness” and reduce it from here. There are 3 possible levels, so you should leave it to minimum if you see really in a hurry to get through the day.

  1. Disable the transparencies

Disable transparency of the system is as simple as go to the Settings app, select the menu “Accessibility” and activate “Reduce transparencies”. Also, if you like and want to be even more austere, you can also “Reducing the movement.”

  1. Turn off the heart rate sensor

If you are not interested at all in seeing your daily activity, how many calories you burned on the way to work or when you should take a walk and exercising a little, the heart rate sensor is a waste of the battery. The optical sensor calculates every 10 minutes your heart rate, so it is an ongoing process and drains the battery considerably clock, so we can turn it off from the application of Apple Watch for Training options.

  1. Active Mode Power Reserve

And we got to the last option, the desperate, when there is nothing more and our Apple Watch dying on our wrist: Mode power reserve. As explained in Wareable, this mode stops all processes so smart watch to stop being “intelligent” to be pretty much a simple “clock”. Yes, at least you can still keep watching the time on the screen of the device.


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