By Reshiegowo / / Apple

Researchers at Penn State University paper explores devices like the Apple Watch learning. In this blog we have seen on several occasions Apple Watch and its possible practical applications it could have on the health field, in support of breast cancer research without going any further. Now, researchers at Penn State University are exploring the use and effect of wearables as Apple Watch on human behavior, specifically in the field of learning.

Ben Brautigan, one of those responsible for the project, explained that his team is about to launch a series of experiments to see if Apple Watch can improve student performance, especially applying it to self-regulated study:

“The thing with wearables is that these are highly personal devices, even more personal than your smartphone,” Brautigam said. “We can take this customized point of view to provide recommendations to students to enrich certain aspects of their learning.”

Associate Professor Rayne Sperling is currently deciding how to integrate Apple Watch in the study. There is a long list of potential implementations that could improve student performance as reminders or monitorings of activity, as well as interactive content to generate effective user metrics.

A system that could work very well, says the professor, is the simplification of the type of questions students should ask themselves when they are approaching a completed lesson. Thus one could determine whether the student is properly understanding the content and, if not, provide suggestions and different strategies. Apple Watch would work perfectly, because being tied to your wrist at all times as we study the feedback from application users would be constant.

Apple Watch may send questions as we study to ensure that we understand the lesson. Of course, the study is still in the experimental phase and the results will be better define the role that wearables can play in learning, not only at the university level, but also in the most elementary education.

As we read in Appleinsider, Apple Watch is a device that has yet to find its own uses in our society, which depend primarily on developers and characteristics that Cupertino implemented in future versions, as these rumored advanced sensors could be very say in the field of health.

Depending on the study’s results, which will pit Apple Watch against other technology platforms, wearables could one day become a staple of self-guided learning.

“If it does become prevalent, I think we’ll have a leg up here because we’ve been sort of investing in this and exploring this since the inception,” Brautigam said.

Via appleinsider 

Apple Watch

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