How To Get More Accurate Measurements of Heart Rate in Apple Watch

How To Get More Accurate Measurements of Heart Rate in Apple Watch. Source:

The heart rate sensor on Apple Watch not only lets you know at all times what your pulse or HR rate at a glance, it also plays a role key  in determining how many calories we burn, how much exercise we performed and many more. In short, if we are interested using our Apple Watch device as focused to sport and activity, it is essential to know how to optimize the accuracy of the sensor readings.

By default, Apple Watch sensor will measure your heart rate every 10 minutes, unless we are moving or doing exercise. The sensor consists of two kinds of lights that measure the amount of blood flowing through our wrist, so that this light is essential to fulfill its function.

  1. A tight right

Although it is the most obvious trick, the key to getting a good reading of your heart rate is to have Apple Watch securely attached to the wrist. In previous tutorials on the placement of the belt, we have already discussed this point, although it is not worth remembering. In the image that we leave right from under you you will see the difference between a good and a bad set tight. If the wrist while lifting see that there is a separation between the strap and the wrist or the image is a sign that we have to tighten more.

  1. Avoid training in cold environments

The heartbeat sensor pulse determines our depending on the amount of blood flowing under the skin. In cold environments, we tend to produce less blood flow near the surface of the skin, as blood is diverted to heat most important parts of our body (that’s why so always first cool the extremities like fingers or feet). If you like to exercise in the winter, it is important to consider that maybe your pulse readings are not entirely accurate.

  1. Avoid irregular movements

Apple Watch sensor measures any type of activity we are doing, but we will get some improvements readings when it comes to regular exercise with a certain rhythm, like taking a walk or run. However, irregular movements like playing tennis or boxing could confuse the sensor and reduce their levels of accuracy. In short, all those activities that involve moving our arms constantly and abruptly. We must be aware that maybe the metrics do not fit at all to reality.

  1. Fix the sensor reading errors

If for some reason notes that the sensor Watch your Apple has stopped working or that the measurements do not conform to reality, we can implement some possible solutions. The first and most obvious is to restart the device:

  • Hold the side button and select shut down the Apple Watch.
  • Once off, again hold the button to turn it on until the Apple logo appears.


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