Apple Already Acknowledged As Smartwatch Maker by The Market

A survey reveals that 93% of respondents recognize Apple as a manufacturer of Smartwatch. Apple Watch has upended the world of Smartwatch in just one quarter. Three months were enough for Apple Watch to capture a market share of 75%, completely dethroning Samsung. However, today we are not here to keep talking about numbers, but how you perceive Apple Watch at street level.
SurveyMonkeys, an online service for creating surveys asked 417 people about the Smartwatch in general and marketing strategy of Apple Watch. To begin the survey, it listed a number of companies and are formulating the following question: “Based on your current, which of the following companies manufactures SmartWatch?”. The results gave Apple an overwhelming 93%, followed distantly by Samsung with 40%, “Google”? with 18%, and the Pebble with 11%, and that lead in this market much bigger than others.
The results seem to show clearly that Apple’s marketing strategy is paying off, people start to know what the Apple Watch and links it clearly with the mark. Recently the company introduced 4 new ads, so it seems that we will see Apple Watch on television for some time.
The second question cited two messages that Apple currently used to promote and sell its clock on the website. The first focuses on the relationship between people and technology, and the second in the style and personal preferences. Respondents evaluated more favorably latter with 41%, while the first obtained 33%.
Important features that people expect of a SmartWatch is making calls and chat
Finally, an interesting question asked users the most important features that a SmartWatch should have, and classified the responses according to whether these came from an early-adopter or a late-adopter (not yet purchased). Among the early adopters preferences clearly headed for making phone calls and to send messages from the smartwatch.
On the other hand, as we read in Cult of Mac, the late-adopters clearly opted for monitoring physical activity. Only 2% gave importance to control the camera remotely or use Instagram from the watch. Music and maps obtained a lukewarm 6-7%. Meanwhile, late adopters far preferred fitness tracking, and neither of them particularly cared about being able to control their phone’s camera. That feature only got 3 percent of votes between both groups. Oddly, 2 percent of everyone said that photo-sharing app Instagram was a must-have smartwatch feature, and I guess that’s gotta feel pretty good for Instagram. No other specific apps make the list.
Via cultofmac
Apple Watch