DOT: The First Blind SmartWatch

Surely, the voice recognition and attendees can get mobile devices more accessible, but it is seen as very difficult for a smart watch to be used easily by a person with vision problems. With blind people as a priority, it is brewing Dot watch.

A Korean startup is developing the idea, which basically is based on Braille, and communication system embossed points. Instead of having a touch screen – we understand conventional touch – on the surface than would be the main part of the watch, we have a matrix of dots.

These points are raised independently to shape information in Braille, and from there we can imagine notifications, time, or messages that can only read the user and not the other people who are around, as in an wizard. One of the strengths of Dot, who is looking for help in financing platforms is their price because they want to put on the market below $ 300. Not cheap, but being such a special thing, with components so dedicated to the gadget, it does not seem unreasonable.

The “screen” would consist of four groups with six points each. Braille enough to display four characters at a time. We can change the speed mode in which the points are updated as a power user could read much more content per second that someone who is starting. If all goes as it seems, it will be a reality in December 2015, in the United States for less than $ 300. In the first round, got $ 600,000, and a second expect to get a figure of about one million.

We can see a very clear example with instant messaging: while other users are connected at all times, the blind can not use these applications independently.

In order to break this barrier, a company based in Seoul (South Korea) Dot has developed a smart watch in Braille for people with visual disabilities receive information on your wrist like other users. This blind SmartWatch has a Braille reader E-built in the area in the structure of a clock, so that the user can receive real-time information directly to your wrist. The reader is made up of four cells with six points each and is capable of displaying four letters in braille at a time.

For the texts, the device is synchronized via Bluetooth 4 with a terminal connectivity to access the Internet. The battery lasts about five days, which is interesting because it does not require a constant load.

Via techaeris 


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