Microsoft Outlook Translator and Android Wear Are Carried

Microsoft will not stop giving out new things and news. The latter is the launch of two new apps for Android Wear. Yes, yes, Android Wear. When many thought that Microsoft would develop first for Microsoft Band, we are surprised developed for Android Wear and Android.
The first of these apps is called Microsoft Translator, an app that translation is not only an alternative to Google Translate, but also use Skype technology so that can translate in real time.
Microsoft Translator recognize more than 50 languages and also perform translations from any audio, text or image. The good thing is that being on the Android Wear translations can be done from your wrist, facilitating new uses for the translation and the SmartWatch.
Microsoft Translator Audio from Android Wear
The second app is already known but not in the Android Wear ecosystem, is the OneNote app. This app will allow us to manage our notes and messages from the watch itself. This will enable us to be more productive with our mail, something that many professionals will appreciate.
Microsoft Translator as both Microsoft and OneNote are available in the Play Store but in the US so surely will not leave if you seek from your devices. Personally I find it very interesting these apps, especially the Microsoft Translator, but I think that a web version of this app would also have been nice since we are many who copy fragments of text and translate this into mobile or SmartWatch possible, but large fragments are best used in computers or laptops. Yet I still think it’s a great app that will give much game to Android Wear and Microsoft.
Regarding Outlook for Apple Watch says it is an extension of Outlook “we know”, allowing browsing and reading e-mail messages from the wrist and can perform a number of shortcuts, among others. With Yammer for Apple Watch indicates that enable keep abreast of the most important conversations and activities on Yammer. And with Microsoft Translator, which reaches both Android Wear as Apple Watch, you can get translations in up to 50 languages, and can access the history of the phrases most recently used, among other capabilities.
And what gives updates Wunderlist for Apple Watch and OneNote for Android Wear and onedrive Android Wear, the same feature improvements ranging from the redesign of Wunderlist to make it easier to use for users until new clock faces and support notifications onedrive Android Wear, among others.
Via androidpolice
Microsoft Outlook Translator