Apple Watch Will Account for 40% of Sales Premium Watches 2020



In five years Apple may be seeing more than 40 million Apple Watch. A recent study conducted by BI Intelligence on the future of wearables has yielded some interesting facts that impact directly to Apple Watch. According to the conclusions of the study, Apple Watch for 2020 represent 40% of all high-end watches to be sold, defining as such those that surpass the barrier of $ 350. At the same time, the report suggests that by then Apple may already selling more than 40 million watches a year.

At present, those who are considering buying a SmartWatch are primarily interested in notifications and applications of health and fitness. In addition, the Apple Watch has achieved significantly greater than the SmartWatch Android Wear interest. We’ll see if this holds with the coming to market Samsung Gear S2 or Moto 360 second generation.

Other interesting data from the study suggest that, while the market for wearables will continue to grow in the coming years, the SmartWatch with advanced features gradually begin to outperform other popular wearables far as the fitness band, relegating them to a niche market more if possible.

Recently we knew that the interest of users in Apple Watch via search engines had fallen considerably since the launch of the device. Of course, the majority implantation of a device features Apple Watch is not something that will happen in the overnight, and still must pass a few years for that barrier of uncertainty regarding the products that break. They deviate from anything seen so far.

Notifications and applications of health and fitness is what is most important to users of a smartwatch

Right now we are still unaware of the number of official sales of Apple Watch, as the Cupertino did not public during the last financial results conference. However, taking into account the increase in revenue experienced by the “Other” category, where sales are Apple Watch, many feel that could average between 2 and 4 million units. In any case, Apple Watch boot has been better than any apple product to date, which is something.

As we read in 9to5mac, the report suggests that while the entire wearables market will continue to grow, full-featured smartwatches will start edging out cheaper fitness bands, with Fitbit-style devices seeing their market share fall from 53% last year through 48% this year and 42% by 2020.

The Apple Watch is expected to go on sale at Best Buy Canada today after its debut in U.S. stores a week ago.

Via 9to5mac


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